A Liebster Award!


So recently, Nancy from Feasting with Friends nominated my blog for the Liebster Award. A very big thank you to Nancy for thinking of me! It’s really awesome to be nominated!!! Check out her blog @Feasting with Friends, if you haven’t already, she is an incredible food blogger! 🙂

The Liebster Award is awarded to newer blogs. There are rules for acceptance.

  1.   Thank the person[s] who nominated me
  2.   Answer questions given to be by the person[s] who nominated me
  3.   Nominate 5-10 people for the award
  4.   Ask about 10-11 questions the nominees have to answer
  5.   Comment on the nominee’s blog to let them know they received the award.

Here are my answers to the questions set by Nancy.

 Why did you start your blog?

I started cooking since I moved out of my parents’ home and started collecting recipes and experimenting with food mainly to feed myself. At some point my friends and even my mom (who I believe is a far superior cook than I can ever imagine to be) asked me for some recipes! I always loved food and cooking, and so, decided that it was time to share what I had learnt and what I continue to learn!

Sugar cookie or Chocolate chip cookie?

Chocolate chip cookies any day! It has sugar AND chocolate.

What is your least favourite household chore?

I hate cleaning out my closet. The thought of rearranging it makes me miserable and I honestly don’t think it helps. I often can’t find what I really want to wear after a good clean up. It is usually folded neatly in some godforsaken corner and out of my reach. Although I have improved significantly (my sister can vouch for that), I still ignore it for as long as I can.

What’s the one food you’re afraid of trying to make?

Chital maacher muitha (a Bengali fishball curry) – crazy difficult thing to master.

Are there any foods that you hate? If so, what?

Bananas and papayas. I think it’s the mushy texture and the sickly sweet smell that really puts me off. It bothers my dad that I hate bananas. He really hasn’t come to terms with it. Oh well.

Pancakes or Waffles?

Pancakes – with lots and lots of maple syrup and butter.

Do you collect anything?

Stamps, art & craft supplies, all sorts of rubbish I plan to make something out of, someday.

What’s your go-to “rainy-day” movie?

I never thought I would have to reveal this secret. I am usually fairly tomboyish and a bit of a nerd. I passionately love Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings and enjoy all history based and action packed movies. However, I am not ashamed to say that on a rainy day, I will gladly watch (for the millionth time) Love, Actually or the Sound of Music, deeply moved (every damn time) by the romance.

Extrovert or introvert?

A bit of both. Mostly it depends on my mood I think? On some days I don’t want to meet any new people or talk to anyone. On others, I’m screaming at my friends for being boring and not wanting to go out. I hear it’s a problem with most Librans (sorry Sheldon Cooper). We are trying to cope with our indecision about these things and many many others.

How do you like your eggs?

Poached and scrambled. Don’t ask me to choose. I can’t. Ever.

Now, my nominations for the Liebster Award are:

To my nominees, I know many people do not accept awards so there is no pressure to do so! I totally understand and respect your wishes and you do not have to generate a post if you don’t want to either. If you do want to participate however, follow the rules mentioned above and answer the following questions (Nancy, I’m stealing some of yours!).

1.         Why did you start blogging?

2.         What do you consider comfort food?

3.         Fruit or chocolate?

4.         Are there any foods that you hate? If so, what?

5.         What is your current favourite TV show?

6.         Do you have a food idol? Who and why?

7.         What is your favourite spice?

9.         Besides cooking, what are your other passions?

10.       Summer or winter?

11.       Your biggest fear?

Thanks all! Keep blogging! 🙂

5 thoughts on “A Liebster Award!”

  1. Congratulations again…you are very deserving of the Liebster! I enjoyed reading through your answers and learning a little more about you. I see we’re in agreement on pancakes and chocolate cookies! I’ll also fess up…I too like “Love, Actually”, especially when I’m in a sappy mood. I’ll look forward to reading about your success in making Chital maacher muitha someday soon 😉

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